General questions

Is there an Android version of Reiterate?

Sorry, right now Reiterate is only available for iOS. If you want to run it on Andriod, let me know! If there's enough interest I'll port it.

Are there any ads?

Reiterate is ad-free and always will be!

How many audio clips can I make?

There is no limit to the number of clips you can make! There is no hidden or restricted functionality in the app; you are free to make as many clips, tags, and sessions as you want. There is no time limit either, you can use it as often and as long as you like.

Isn't the word reiterate redundant?

Some people believe reiterate is redundant because iterate means "to say again" and the prefix re- can also mean "to do again."

But the prefix re- has other meanings. It can also mean "to come back to oneself" as in the words rebound and reflect. So reiterate can mean "to repeat something to oneself."

You can read a more detailed explanation in the blog

Can Reiterate only be used with League of Legends?

There is nothing in Reiterate that is specific to League of Legends. The App does not plug into the game, and it doesn't connect to the Riot API servers to download game stats. Reiterate is not a stats-based application. Instead of showing you your CS differential, Reiterate instead tries to keep you focused on what's important.

I used examples from League because that's the first game I applied it to. But you could just as easily use Reiterate in other MOBA games. You might even be able to use it for games outside esports!